𝟬𝟬𝟭 Dangerous Curiosity

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Dangerous Curiosity

❝Well, your curiosity just put us all in danger!❞

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ZHANG Feifei has never laid eyes on a Fire Nation ship before. This is her first.

Whenever she wanders through the forests near Ch'uan's shore, the ocean stretches endlessly, untouched except for Ryujin, the Sea Monster. It often greets her with a playful flick of its massive, scaly tail. But today, the sea offers something different, something strange. Her heart quickens as her gaze locks onto the enormous maroon ships, their sails heavy with the Fire Nation's flags, bearing their fierce insignia. She squints, trying to make sense of the unexpected scene before her.

"The Fire Nation?" she whispers, her voice barely audible as confusion furrows her brow. "I've never seen them before... why are they here?"

A sudden rustling of leaves behind her makes her turn. Ming-Yue, her best friend and the prince, is rummaging through bushes, filling his bag with berries and fruits they've found nearby. It was Feifei's idea to come here, exploring the island's hidden corners, far from the routine of training with the other Moon Warriors and their masters.

The islanders despise Avatar Suijin, the founder of Ch'uan, whose name is now shrouded in disgrace. She once fell in love with a man from the Fire Nation, and they say that love poisoned her, leading her down a dark path of betrayal. Legends whisper of the devastation she caused, not just to her enemies, but to her own people and allies. Suijin's name has been erased from the history books, her story forbidden, her legacy remembered only with bitterness by the young.

But not Feifei. She refuses to accept the lies and myths passed down by the elders without question. If Suijin were truly corrupt and wicked, she wouldn't be the Avatar.

"Ming-Yue! Look!" Feifei slaps her friend's leg, trying to pull his attention away from the bush where he's gathering berries. Ming-Yue has always had a weakness for berries, something Feifei has never quite understood. "Have you ever seen those ships before?"

Without even glancing up, Ming-Yue shrugs, still focused on picking berries.

"Mm, no," he mutters, barely listening. "Now, don't bother me. I still have a lot of berries to──"

"Enough with those stupid berries!" Feifei hisses, snatching his bag of fruits with a sharp tug. She rolls her eyes when he groans in protest. "Look at those ships, Your Highness! Oh, wait──allow me, a humble servant, to request your precious royal eyes to witness those Fire Nation ships, Prince Ming-Yue," she adds in a theatrical voice, bowing with exaggerated flair.

Ming-Yue crosses his arms, feigning irritation as he finally steps beside her. "I'm honestly surprised I still hang out with you, considering how much you annoy me," he remarks, half-smiling despite himself.

"And I'm surprised you always come looking for me when you're bored if I annoy you so much," Feifei fires back, a playful smirk tugging at her lips before she turns her attention to the Fire Navy again.

There are more than four ships, to be exact, sailing westward. But why west? Is there an island nearby that Feifei can reach by riding a wave?

Her mind drifts, filled with questions about the outside world. Are there other waterbenders like her? Is the Earth Kingdom as vast as the books claim? Is fire really the superior element? Could she learn to fly with the airbenders? And is the world truly as dull as Ch'uan feels sometimes?

The urge to know burns deep within her, pulling her toward the Fire Navy ships, tempting her to chase after answers. But in her heart, she knows the only thing waiting there is fire──endless, consuming fire. Still, a part of her wonders if a simple, polite question might reveal their purpose near Ch'uan.

"We should inform my father and General Ruyi," Ming-Yue suggests, his eyes fixed on the unfamiliar ships. Something feels off. Ships never venture into these waters, so why now?

Just as he turns to leave, Feifei grabs his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. Her grin is wide, infectious, her teeth gleaming in the sunlight. Ming-Yue knows that look all too well──it's the look of mischief, and he's already dreading it.

"You can't be serious, Feifei..." he starts, his frown deepening. But Feifei's smile only grows brighter. "We're outnumbered! Two of us against... who knows how many on those ships!"

"We're Moon Warriors, Ming-Yue! As strong as half of Avatar Suijin!" she exclaims with excitement, bouncing on her toes. Without another word, she turns and dashes toward the shoreline, where the waves gently kiss the sand. "Come on, Your Highness! Or is your robe weighing you down?" she teases, her laughter ringing out as she reaches the water.

Feifei isn't blind to the Fire Nation's cruelty. She knows they've brought war to the world, leaving nothing but ruin in their wake. They've destroyed countless homes and claimed nearly every land they touched, as if dragging the fires of hell with them. And yet, Ch'uan has never been invaded──not once since Fire Lord Sozin's war began. Maybe it's because Ch'uan is remote, hidden away from the rest of the world. It's called the Island of the Cursed for a reason, after all.

Ming-Yue calls out, his voice edged with worry as he races after his friend. "Feifei! Wait! Don't go there!"

But it's no use. He knows it's no use, and he feels foolish for even trying to stop her.

Feifei, without waiting for the prince, summons a wave and leaps onto it with ease. She rides its crest, gliding toward the Fire Nation ships, her hanfu whipping in the wind. She doesn't care if the sea soaks through her clothes. All that matters is finding the answers she seeks from the strangers on the ships.

Hearing the roar of another wave behind her, Feifei glances back, a playful smirk on her lips. There he is──Ming-Yue, chasing after her like always. She knows how to push him forward, how to get her way when she needs to. Curiosity killed the cat? No, for Feifei, curiosity only sharpens her hunger for knowledge.

As she reaches the ship and leaps onto the deck, the Fire Nation soldiers are startled by her sudden arrival. Their confusion deepens when Ming-Yue follows, landing gracefully beside her.

"Who are you? What do you want?" one soldier demands, hand twitching toward his weapon.

Unfazed, Feifei steps forward, her eyes steady but defiant. "We're just travelers," she says with a soft smile, though her voice carries a hint of challenge. "Curious about why the Fire Nation has sailed into our waters."

Before the soldier can reply, another hurls fireballs toward her. Ming-Yue reacts swiftly, summoning a shield of water that sizzles as it collides with the flames.

"Stop this!" Ming-Yue commands, stepping protectively in front of Feifei. "We only want answers."

The soldiers pause, surprised by the prince's waterbending.

"You're from the Water Tribe," one observes warily.

But before either Feifei or Ming-Yue can speak, the soldiers advance again, unleashing more attacks. Feifei and Ming-Yue are forced into a defensive stance, dodging and deflecting the fiery onslaught.

With fierce determination, Feifei summons a powerful surge of water, crashing it over the soldiers and knocking them off balance. Seizing the moment, Ming-Yue pulls her back, retreating toward the sea's edge.

As they ride the waves away from the chaos, Feifei glances back, her curiosity still burning. But then her eyes widen. The ships are changing course, following them toward Ch'uan.

"They're following us!" Feifei shouts urgently, her voice tight with alarm. Ming-Yue's face darkens.

"This is bad," he mutters.

"I told you not to go there!" Ming-Yue snaps, his frustration spilling over. "They're Fire Nation! What were you thinking, you fool?!"

"I'm sorry, okay! I was just curious──"

"Well, your curiosity just put us all in danger!"

Feifei shoots the prince a fiery glare, her anger flashing in her eyes as she halts her movement on the wave. She watches Ming-Yue ride back toward Ch'uan, leaving her behind. Blame gnaws at her, but she refuses to accept it. It's not her fault she's filled with endless questions, especially after being trapped on this isolated island for as long as she can remember. She craves to break free from the dullness of Ch'uan and explore the world beyond.

Ming-Yue, noticing Feifei is no longer by his side, feels a wave of unease. He looks back, his heart leaping with panic. There she is, riding the waves toward the Fire Navy ships, alone, without a word. She's reckless, always diving into danger headfirst. It's what he hates most──and fears most──about her.

"FEIFEI!" he shouts, his voice cracking as a massive fireball bursts from one of the ships, aimed directly at her. "FEIFEI, COME BACK!"

Feifei spots the fiery missile blazing through the sky, and her anger flares. Rage courses through her veins, filling her with strength. These emotions have always driven her, pushing her forward, giving her the fire she needs to fight.

With a swift motion, she raises her arms, summoning a towering wave that crashes over the fireball, snuffing it out. Her heart races as she leaps onto one of the Fire Navy ships, ready to face whatever lies ahead.

For the first time, she stands before dozens of Fire Nation soldiers and firebenders. Fear flickers in her chest, but she pushes it down. She remembers her father's words: "You must not fear. Fear is a mind killer. As a warrior, you need a strong heart."

Determination burns within her. She will protect her people──she must. It's the sacred duty of a Moon Warrior.

The battle erupts. The firebenders launch searing flames at her, but Feifei moves with grace, dodging their strikes with swift, fluid motions. She raises a water shield, deflecting their attacks, and counters with sharp shards of ice.

The soldiers press forward, their attacks relentless. Flames roar, and blades swing wildly, but Feifei stands firm. She wields her water whip and ice shield with precision, drawing on the skills she has honed through years of training as a Moon Warrior at the Elite Ch'uan Academy.

At the academy, benders master their abilities, while non-benders sharpen their skills in weaponry and martial arts. Even the benders are taught to fight with weapons──small swords hidden within their garments──for there are times when bending alone is not enough.

In Ch'uan, everyone is taught to defend themselves, a lesson passed down by Avatar Suijin, who knew the world offered no kindness. Feifei remembers the intensity of her father's strict training for both her and Ruyi, though she would often let her mind wander, losing focus and slacking off when she thought she could get away with it.

As a waterbender, Feifei holds a unique advantage. Her father taught her to sense the energy of her opponents──qi sensing──allowing her to anticipate their every move before they act. With each clash, she reads the subtle shifts in their bodies, waiting for the exact moment to strike.

Some may think her elusive movements are cowardly, but Feifei knows it's all part of her plan. By studying the flow of energy around her enemies, she finds the perfect openings, delivering precise, devastating blows before they can even react.

She draws her sword from its hidden sheath beneath her top, her eyes blazing with fierce determination. Shards of ice fly through the air, piercing the chests of her foes, while her blade strikes with deadly accuracy. Soldiers are sent crashing into the sea's unforgiving depths, and others fall unconscious as torrents of water crash against them. Feifei fights with everything she has, each move deadly yet guided by the rhythm of battle.

As more soldiers swarm onto the deck from nearby ships, Feifei steels herself for the next wave of attacks. Before she can move, a massive, scaly tail erupts from the ocean's depths, slamming into the ship with a thunderous force. The deck shudders beneath her feet, and in an instant, Feifei is flung into the air, twisting helplessly as she plummets toward the water. The impact is brutal, but as she hits the surface, a colossal wave engulfs her, sweeping her away in its powerful watery embrace.

"Feifei, are you alright?" a sharp voice calls out, making Feifei's heart leap. She instantly recognizes the figure riding the wave toward her──her older sister, General Zhang Ruyi, with a serious expression etched on her face.

Ming-Yue hadn't wasted a moment. He had gone to alert the general the moment the Fire Nation ships appeared, while Feifei had fought bravely against the soldiers. Now, with the Moon Warriors at their side, they move swiftly to protect their home. In perfect coordination, they freeze the water around the enemy ship, trapping it in place, before launching a fierce assault on the invaders.

"Sister!" Feifei's voice is muffled by the water as she struggles to speak. When the wave releases its grip, allowing her to catch her breath, she rushes forward, wrapping her arms around Ruyi, who is still standing on her wave.

Ruyi gently pushes her back, her mind focused on the looming threat of the Fire Navy. She orders Feifei to return to the shore, then swiftly turns to lead the warriors in battle, her eyes burning with resolve.

As Feifei rides the waves back to safety, something in the sky catches her eye. A large, six-legged creature flies above, and from its back leaps a young boy with a staff in hand, moving with fearless grace. His clothing is unlike anything she has ever seen──nothing like the people of the Sea.

But what truly holds her attention are the vivid blue arrows tattooed on his bald head and hands. He looks like a monk, yet no monk in Ch'uan bears markings like his.

Stunned, Feifei stops surfing, mesmerized as the boy seems to bend the very air itself, twisting and turning it to fight the Fire Nation soldiers. The flying creature circles the ships, carrying two others dressed in blue and a strange white monkey, tossing enemy soldiers into the sea below, where Ryujin's jaws wait open, ready to swallow them whole.

But wait... airbending? Did she see that right?

Feifei has heard stories of the Avatar──the one who vanished a hundred years ago, said to be an airbender. But airbenders were believed to have disappeared long ago, wiped out when Fire Lord Sozin unleashed his wrath and began the war. Could the boy really be...?

A wide smile spreads across Feifei's lips as the realization hits her.

"He's the Avatar!" she exclaims, her voice rising with excitement, though no one is around to hear.

As the Fire Navy finally retreats, leaving behind the wreckage of their shattered ships, Feifei hurries toward the Moon Warriors and the Avatar. The warriors stand poised, weapons ready, forming a protective circle around the newcomers. Behind the young monk, a massive flying creature lands with a thud.

"Who are you?" Ruyi demands, her sharp gaze fixed on the Avatar and his companions. Behind him, the creature and a small flying monkey chatter noisily. "Your airbending skills are extraordinary... It's almost like airbenders still exist──"

"Because they do!" one of the boy's companions steps forward, her serious expression daring anyone to challenge her.

"Well, not they," interrupts another boy, wearing the same blue garments as the girl. His voice carries a hint of attitude. "It's just him. Singular, Katara, thank you."

Katara throws him a pointed glare. "You're welcome, Sokka," she snaps.

Just then, Feifei leaps onto the ship where they stand. "Yeah, and he's the last airbender!"

"Feifei, didn't I tell you to stay back──?" Ruyi starts to scold, but her attention shifts to Katara.

"He's the Avatar!" Katara says, motioning to the young monk, who wears an awkward smile. "Come on, tell them, Aang!"

Finally, the boy named Aang steps forward. "I'm the Avatar... and the last airbender. I'm here looking for the descendant of the Sea, who will help me bring peace to the world." He pauses, a puzzled look crossing his face. "Or at least, that's what Avatar Suijin told me in the Spirit World a few days ago."

The warriors exchange confused glances. The problem is, they're all descendants of the Sea──Suijin's people──whether half-blood or pure.

"Uh, we're all descendants of the Sea..." Feifei offers, her grin just as awkward as Aang's.

"Oh," Aang mutters, clearly taken aback.

"This is going to be a really long day," Sokka grumbles, letting out a heavy sigh that echoes the weight of his many travels.

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Yeah, I've decided to revamp this book here instead of revamping it on a new book. Kinda hard to get people interested but anyway hope you enjoy it.

✎ wordcount: 2740

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